The Effect of Fenugreek Herbal Tea and Palm Dates on Breast Milk Production and Infant Weight.

Abeer El Sakka, Mostafa Salama, Kareem Salama
14.432 4.010


Background: Artificial or natural substances called galactagogues may assist the production of breast milk. Objective: To evaluate the effect of consumption of fenugreek herbal tea or palm dates on breast milk production. Methods: Seventy-five puerperal women were randomly assigned for two weeks to one of three groups: herbal tea with fenugreek (n = 25), palm dates (n = 25) or no galactagogue as control (n = 25).  Maternal milk volume was measured through manual pumping of breasts on the third postpartum day. Infants were weighed on days (0, 3, 7, &14) using an infant scale. Results: Breast milk volume at 3 days postpartum and percentage weight change were statistically significant either dates or fenugreek groups and control group p<0.001, p=0.001 respectively.  On the seventh day, newborns in date's group showed an increase in weight while those in fenugreek or control groups were still below their birth weight (p=0.001). On the fourteenth day, there was no significant difference between any of the groups (p=0.156). Conclusion: Palm dates and fenugreek herbal tea seems to be useful for enhancing breast milk production  during early postpartum period.  


Fenugreek- palm dates- Breast milk-galactogogues

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